People Empowering Politics


Income Tax

Income Tax will be based around the minimum wage salary, which is 8 hours a day over the course of the working week, within the year. Both employees and employers will pay a 10pc public health insurance tax (PHIT). Lower tax will be equally given to the local and regional.

Income Income Tax + PHIT Rate
Zero - One 10pc Local / Lower
One - Two 20pc + 10pc Lower Middle
Two - Four 30pc + 10pc Higher Middle
Four - Eight 40pc + 10pc Higher
Eight Plus 50pc (+10pc between eight-sixteen) Upper

Corporation Tax and Capital Gains

Companies will need to setup a head office in each state and will pay business rates to their local authorities. Corporation Tax and Capital Gains will be set at 25pc, except your primary residential property. There will be no inheritance tax, as the capital gains process will continue with the new inheritors. You also pay no gains if all the proceeds are reinvested. These assets can be revalued every year and if the value is higher than the last benchmark it becomes the new one, with a four-year delay.

Business Democracy

Every business will have internal company representation, elected by fellow workers. All levels of management are excluded. This could be one worker rep from each store, floor, department etc. Local worker reps can call for ballots for their own areas. They will stay in their position for four years. This will correlate with political elections and workers can be reps of all four levels. The top four supported candidates will be on the ballot.

The board of directors will have full control of hiring and firing CEOs and their compensations packages, but worker reps can call for ballots to take strike action with a simple majority. For bonuses, worker reps and shareholders must both agree, and both receive 50pc. For share buy backs, workers reps will have full decision-making authority.

Home Ownership

People will only be allowed to purchase one residential property within the state they are citizen off. Unless a foreign citizen has significant business interests in another state. If not, stamp duty will be applied to each additional property starting with 20pc, with an additional 10pc per extra property. This is zero if you only own one. This also applies to deposit percentages as well. Residential property can only be sold as freehold and to people not companies. The local authority would maintain joint infrastructure, paid by a separate tax.